Map of St Kitts and Nevis and geographical facts - World atlas

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Map of St Kitts and Nevis and geographical facts

Map of St Kitts and Nevis with cities. St Kitts and Nevis on the world map
Map of St Kitts and Nevis with cities. Where St Kitts and Nevis is on the world map. The main geographical facts about St Kitts and Nevis - population, country area, capital, official language, religions, industry and culture.
Fact File St Kitts and Nevis
Official name Federation of St Kitts and Nevis
Form of government Constitutional monarchy with single legislative body (House of Assembly)
Capital Basseterre
Area 269 sq km (104 sq miles)
Time zone GMT-4 hours
Population 38,700
Projected population 2015 47,000
Bananas are harvested on a plantation on Haiti (left page). Aerial view of the Antigua west coast (right).
Population density 143.9 per sq km (372.1 per sq mile)
Life expectancy 71.3
Infant mortality (per 1,000) 15.8
Official language English
Other Language English Creole
Literacy rate 97%
Religions Anglican 36.2%, Methodist 32.1 %, Roman Catholic 10.7%, Pentecostal 5.5%, Baptist 3.9%, followers of the Church of God 3.9%, other 7.5%
Ethnic groups African 94.3%, mixed African-European 3.3%, European 0.9%, other 1.5%
Currency East Caribbean dollar
Economy Services 69 %, industry and agriculture 31 %
GNP per capita US$ 8,700
Climate Tropical, moderated by sea breezes Highest point Mt Misery 1,156 m (3,793 ft) Map reference Page 427
St Kitts and Nevis is a federation of two Caribbean islands in the Leeward Islands group. Each is well-watered and has a mountain of volcanic origin rising to about 1,000 m (3,300 ft). Once inhabited by Carib and Arawak Indians, St Kitts and Nevis were, in 1623 and 1628, the first West Indian islands to be colonized by Britain. Ownership of the islands was disputed with the French until 1783 when it was ceded to the United Kingdom. The islands became an associated state with full internal autonomy in 1967. The island of Anguilla rebelled and was allowed to secede in 1971. In 1983 the country became fully independent from Britain.
As on other Caribbean islands, African slaves were imported as labor for sugar and cotton plantations, this ceasing with the abolition of slavery in 1834. Most islanders today are descended from former slaves. The growing and processing of sugarcane remains important, though falling prices have hurt local industry in recent years. The government intends to revitalize this sector. Tourism and export-oriented manufacturing are of growing significance, in addition to manufactured products including machinery, food, electronics, clothing, footwear, and beverages. The main cash crops are sugarcane on St Kitts and cotton and coconuts on Nevis. Staple foods include rice, yams, vegetables, and bananas, but most food is imported.
Nevis claims it is starved of funds by its partner and is dissatisfied with its place in the federation. In 1996 Nevis announced its intention to seek independence from St Kitts. Nevis has the constitutional right to secede if two-thirds of the elected legislators approve and two-thirds of voters endorse it through a referendum. However, even though parliament decided accordingly to secede in 1998 the necessary popular support could not be mustered in the referendum.
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