Map of Alaska showing county with cities
Map of Alaska counties
Free large scale map counties of Alaska state USA.

List of Alaska counties
List watch Alaska counties:
1 Anchorage Municipality 288,000
2 Matanuska-Susitna Borough 108,317
3 Fairbanks North Star Borough 96,849
4 Kenai Peninsula Borough 58,708
5 Juneau City and Borough 31,974
6 Bethel Census Area 18,386
7 Ketchikan Gateway Borough 13,901
8 Kodiak Island Borough 12,998
9 Nome Census Area 10,004
10 North Slope Borough 9,832
11 Valdez-Cordova Census Area 9,202
12 Sitka City and Borough 8,493
13 Kusilvak Census Area 8,314
14 Northwest Arctic Borough 7,621
15 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 6,893
16 Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 6,203
17 Aleutians West Census Area 5,634
18 Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 5,230
19 Dillingham Census Area 4,916
20 Aleutians East Borough 3,337
21 Petersburg Borough 3,266
22 Haines Borough 2,530
23 Wrangell City and Borough 2,502
24 Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 2,148
25 Denali Borough 2,097
26 Lake and Peninsula Borough 1,592
27 Skagway Municipality 1,183
28 Bristol Bay Borough 836
29 Yakutat City and Borough 579